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Contactez Reykjavik Contrôle et annoncez votre position et demandez les prochains points de compte rendu, la piste en service et la météo de votre destination.
Reykjavik Control, Icelandair 551, passing RATSU, FL 340, on course ALDAN,
What are the next reporting points, the runway in use and Keflavik latest weather ?
What are the next reporting points, the runway in use and Keflavik latest weather ?
Réponse du contrôle
ICE 551, Reykjavik Control, route ALDAN, KEF.
Rwy 02 in use wind 120° 12 kts, visi over 10 km, ceiling overcast 1400ft, Temp 10° DP 06°,
QNH 1019.
Due to volcano “no fly area” ahead of you, extending up to FL 350, you have to climb FL 360.
Report reaching.
Rwy 02 in use wind 120° 12 kts, visi over 10 km, ceiling overcast 1400ft, Temp 10° DP 06°,
QNH 1019.
Due to volcano “no fly area” ahead of you, extending up to FL 350, you have to climb FL 360.
Report reaching.
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En atteignant le niveau demandé, demander au contrôleur s’il a des informations récentes sur la position exacte du nuage de cendres.
Reykjavik Control, ICE 551, reaching FL 360.
Do you have recent information about
actual location of the ash cloud ?
Do you have recent information about
actual location of the ash cloud ?
Réponse du contrôle
ICE 551, Reykjavik Control, ash cloud is south of Reykjavik Control, between 62 & 64 North, and between 14 & 25 West, under light northerly wind.
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Message du contrôle
ICE 551, Reykjavik Control, Roger what are your intentions for descent ?
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Quand on vous demandera vos intentions, dites que vous souhaitez passer au dessus du nuage de cendres. Une fois dégagé, vous diriger vers le Nord pour descendre et quand ça sera possible, revenir vers le Sud en direction de Reykjavik.
Reykjavik Control, ICE 551, we would like to pass
over the ash cloud, fly northbound for descent and,
when possible come back southbound towards Reykjavik.
over the ash cloud, fly northbound for descent and,
when possible come back southbound towards Reykjavik.
Réponse du contrôle
ICE 551, Reykjavik Control roger. Route ALDAN, RE, KEF. Report 64 North.
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Au 64 Nord, dites qu’il n’y a plus de nuages de cendre en dessous et que vous souhaitez commencer la descente .
Reykjavik Control, ICE 551, 64N, no ash cloud below,
we are now ready for descent.
we are now ready for descent.
Réponse du contrôle
ICE 551, Reykjavik Control, atmosphere might be partly contaminated.
You are responsible for the safe operation of your flight.
Descend FL200, level by 65 North, report 65 North. After 65 North, fly heading 270, intercept and follow KEF 045 radial.
You are responsible for the safe operation of your flight.
Descend FL200, level by 65 North, report 65 North. After 65 North, fly heading 270, intercept and follow KEF 045 radial.
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